Not long ago, I subscribed to a musician's page in my area in order to find people with whom I could jam. I was surprised to be approached by the Del-Rays -- yes, that's right, the Del-Rays.
First of all, that is the coolest name I ever heard for a band. It reminds me of the surf guitar player Dick Dale. Jack, the former-bass-player-turned-keyboardist, contacted me and gave me their history -- they played the Baltimore circuit from the late 60s into the 70s, broke up, and recently reformed. They found all the original members -- Jack, Frank, Paul, and Dick -- except for the trumpet player and the sax player. He asked if I would play trumpet for them. I said, "Sure," and started practicing.
They played a great mix of music -- from Joe Zawinul to Sam and Dave to Wilson Pickett to James Brown -- it sounded great to me. I listened to arrangements and wrote out horn parts for me and the soon-to-be-found sax player. After a few weeks, we were ready for our first practice.
We had a great time, although the drummer Dick just had a cardiac catheterization. He wasn't allowed to drum, so we tried using programmed tracks from the keyboard. It didn't work so well, so Dick drummed with his good side -- he was not bad for a one-sided drummer. I learned that I was the youngest member at 55 years old. The others ranged in age from 61 to 72! I felt like a kid, and I knew who would be carrying most of the equipment.
We haven't been able to practice again. We set a date soon after Dorothy returned home from the hospital, but Jack's stomach problems got worse. We set another date, but my cancer treatments might get in the way. What a group we are!

One day we will practice again. Who knows, we may even play a gig. Of course, it would need to start at 7:00 and end at 9:00 so we can get our rest. We're not getting any younger.
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