Thursday, January 28, 2010

Season Two

When conditions become harsh, trees begin to shed their leaves as they prepare for winter. The tree does not mourn the death of its leaves, nor do we. Leaves change color, die and fall from the tree so that the tree may live.

The cancer that clings to me is dying. Radiation results are very good -- there is little noticable evidence of a tumor. By the end of autumn (on March 23), there may be no sign of it at all. Dr. S will operate anyway, but I may not lose as much surrounding tissue. Winter (being trapped) may only last two weeks. I may be reborn in April -- just in time for spring.

The tree does not mourn the death of its leaves, nor do we...


  1. Great news, Gene!

    BTW, how's Dorothy?

  2. Gene, that is great news. Tears of joy, for a change. You are always on my mind. Love you!

  3. Thanks, all. I think the every-two-weeks cycle of chemo is getting to Dorothy more. She seems sluggish even during her off weeks. Six months is a long time to go through this.

  4. Great news! Give my love to Dot.
    Yes, say Dot.
